Our club is a group of friends who love whisk(e)y and enjoy learning and spending time with like-minded individuals. We meet once or twice per month, usually on a Friday or Saturday night.

Membership dues are $125 per year or $15 per month, and includes access to all tastings, our calendar for the year, access to our very popular Clubhouse Nights. Additional suggested donations for most tastings range from $45-$75, with some rare bottle tastings being a bit more. Each tasting ticket includes a welcome drink and some pre-tasting appetizers.

We taste everything blind for the first round, then do a bottle reveal and taste through again. Each tasting lasts about 2 hours, and we are doing tastings in person, and recording for later viewing for those who purchase a tasting kit to use at a later date.

We allow non-members to come to one tasting before requiring them to become a member.

The most important thing is this: we’re not down withsnobbery or condescension. We’re here to learn and have fun, and to positively contribute to the knowledge and experience of our co-members. It is just water, grain, and yeast after all.


Beks Opperman